Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Radio... Live Transmission...

In honor of my return to blogging (as I'm sure all 1 of my readers were quite upset about) I decided to try to embed a Youtube video of Joy Division's "Transmission". Let's see if it worked.. ooh it did! Yay technology.

SOOOOOOOOOO, while I've been away, I got an advance warning of getting fired as of February 1st. This has begun my investigation of how I can return to school. Sadly, the state budget cuts drastically reduced enrollment options for me at affordable state colleges. So I called up my "alma mater" (can you say that if you didn't graduate? I don't even know what it means. Wiki, help me out here), and it's only $16,500/semester for me to finish up my degree. Awesome. It might as well be a million dollars. So now the decision is- go FURTHER into inescapable debt to pursue the dream of finishing my BFA and being an art teacher, or chuck the whole thing and just go back to another soul-killing day job? Ah, the wonderful decisions of adulthood....

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